Mindful Compassionate Care was founded by Vynne Baylissa Frederick MA, a psychotherapist, counsellor, coach, and author. She initally completed her advanced clinical training in Transactional Analysis (TA) psychotherapy 22 years ago and worked as a TA therapist until coming off Rivotril/clonazepam – a drug prescribed for a form of dystonia that she has had since childhood. After her recovery she completed a master’s degree in Integrative Counselling (a combination of Humanistic, CBT, and psychodynamic approaches), and subsequently resumed work as a therapist. She is also a certified Mindfulness teacher. Her voluntary one-to-one support work and this website are sponsored by her. Since 2006, she has supported thousands of people from all over the world as they heal from withdrawal reactions when discontinuing prescribed benzodiazepines, antidepressants, z-drugs, and opioids.
Baylissa has provided awareness presentations to organisations including the British Medical Association (BMA) and has delivered training workshops for therapists. She has been interviewed and quoted by media outlets including The London Times, The Independent, The Irish Examiner, ITV News and British Medical Association News. Baylissa is a section co-author of the Guidance for Psychological Therapists and author of the internationally successful self-help book, ‘Recovery and Renewal,’ the memoir, ‘With Hope in My Heart’ and the journals, ‘Dearest Me’ and ‘Dearest Friend.’ The book, Recovery and Renewal was previously published as Benzo-Wise under the pseudonym Bliss Johns.
According to feedback, this website is considered a safe space: one that disseminates responsible information and excellent coping resources. It would not have been created and maintained without the diligence and compassion of its founder and the encouragement and dedication of our wonderful supporters and staff. They have all contributed significantly in different ways over the years.

Zia is a York University graduate, an educator, and a withdrawal expert by experience. She has remarkable knowledge and understanding of all aspects of withdrawal and the challenges it brings. Zia endorses mindfulness and compassion-based interventions as essential for coping, confirmed by her personal experience. Her previous role here was that of administrator. Since healing and resuming her career, she remains involved as an advisor and is an unwavering source of support and wise counsel. We are extremely grateful to her for her dedication. Thank you, Zia.

Melanie has been the manager of Mind in Camden’s Recovery Experience Sleeping Pills and Tranquillisers (REST) Project for more than 25 years. She offers clients one-to-one support and advocacy, and facilitates a weekly group, providing advice, information and support regarding safe withdrawal from prescribed psychotropic drugs. Melanie is a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependency. She has contributed to several committees and reports on the issue of prescribed drug dependency. Melanie has supported our founder, Baylissa, for more than a decade, attending and exhibiting at expositions and workshops and signposting clients. We are very grateful to her for her work in the community and her contribution to MCC. Thank you, Melanie.

Greg is a graduate of Cambridge and Wits. He is an accomplished, multi-award winning scientist who is very knowledgeable about prescribed drug injury, withdrawal and neurotoxicity, and is an expert by experience. He has remarkable awareness and understanding of all aspects of the subject and the difficulties people affected face. Greg’s role is that of advisor. He has been a brilliant and constant source of support, offering good insights and guidance, especially in the area of research. We are very grateful to him for his encouragement, expertise and invaluable contribution. Thank you, Greg.

This website was built and is maintained by our highly skilled, expert IT developer, Pramod. He is always just a call away when needed and provides the most reliable, professional service one could ask for. He is of high integrity and has a rare honesty. Not often do you find someone who returns fees saying, “You’ve overpaid me. It didn’t take long to fix.” There is no glitch or problem that Pramod cannot solve. He is irreplaceable and we will always be grateful to him for his dedication and excellent work. Thank you, Pramod.

Sarah, our administrator, is a graduate of Concordia and Western. She is extremely reliable and wise beyond her years. Having witnessed a loved one experiencing withdrawal, Sarah has an unusual level of understanding as well as profound empathy for those in the process of discontinuation, and this fuels her dedication. She, too, is irreplaceable. Thank you, Sarah.
We are also grateful to many people not mentioned here, who have been generous with their time, attention, support and contributions over the years. We send our best wishes to everyone and hope visitors to this website will feel encouraged and empowered as a result of using the resources provided.