Welcome to Mindful, Compassionate Care (MCCare). If discontinuing a prescribed opioid, benzodiazepine, or antidepressant has resulted in a withdrawal reaction or post-withdrawal neurological dysfunction, or you support someone who is experiencing this, our site offers a wealth of resources that can be used to cope well, while healing takes place. Explore and bookmark the tools that resonate best and are most effective, and use them regularly.
If you are having a challenging time, be as nurturing, kind and gentle with yourself as you possibly can. Take one breath, one moment, one hour, one day at a time, and see if you can develop an attitude of acceptance while observing your healing process and allowing it to unfold.
Practising mindfulness and self-compassion does not mean you will become passive, complacent, or inactive. It inevitably results in a natural inclination to be proactive about healing, to establish boundaries, and to take best care of one’s self.
Mindful, Compassionate Care’s approach is based on the concepts of self-compassion and mindfulness, which research has shown to be beneficial for dealing with many chronic health conditions. You can use the resources here to build your personal toolbox that can be accessed when needed. It will help you to keep your perspective on healing and to effectively maintain a mindfulness and self-compassion practice.
We hope you will have an insightful, encouraging experience here and we wish you all the very best. If you are a relative, carer or professional supporting someone through withdrawal, we hope the information here will prove to be useful and thank you for caring.
Trust in the self-healing capability, resilience and innate intelligence of the human body. Keep in mind the ability of neural networks in the brain to change (neuroplasticity), and the process of homeostasis. Don’t lose heart. Keep holding on and allow time for your healing. This, too, shall pass.
Disclaimer :
The resources offered on this site are for self-care and coping purposes only. Nothing on this site should be used as a substitute for any form of medical or psychological diagnosis, treatment or therapy. You must not disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of any content on this website. Please consult your doctor regarding your condition and/or any health concerns you may have. The creator of this website shall not be held liable or responsible for any action taken by an individual as a result of the use of any information shared on this website.