If you came directly to this survey and did not read the Consent Page, please do so first, before answering the questions.  Thank you.

Here is the link: https://mccare.org/survey/

NOTE: You do not have to be recovered to complete this survey. If you are in tolerance withdrawal, tapering, in acute, post-acute or protracted withdrawal (ABIND), or you are mostly recovered or fully recovered, you can participate.

Email Address
Please state which of the following most accurately describes you: female, male, non-binary, transgender, intersex, or state if you prefer not to say.
Before you begin to share your experience, while it may be a strain cognitively and writing might be difficult for you, please do not just list your symptoms. We would like the therapists, medics, and other professionals who are going to see this information to be aware of how you have been affected. How is your current state impacting your life? How did the stage(s) that you experienced affect your ability to function and your life in general? What were the repercussions? If you answer the questions with mono syllables and lists, your contribution cannot be used. You don't have to write a lot, but around 3 sentences are enough. Thank you.
What psychotropic drug(s) or painkiller(s) did you take and what was the reason for you being prescribed the drug(s)?
What tapering method(s) are you using or did you use, if any? Did you taper off slowly, 'detox' over a short period, or stop abruptly (cold turkey)?
TOLERANCE: If you experienced a period while taking the drug when the dose became no longer effective, and had what you now know to have been tolerance withdrawal symptoms, what was it like for you? What symptoms did you experience? How did you cope?This includes anyone who took painkillers and experienced opioid tolerance withdrawal symptoms.
ACUTE: If you are experiencing or have experienced acute withdrawal or the early stage of opioid withdrawal, what is it or was it like for you? What symptoms did you have? How did you cope? Or if you are currently in that phase, what is it like? What symptoms are you experiencing? How are you coping?This includes anyone who experienced or is experiencing the early or acute stage of opioid withdrawal.
POST-ACUTE: What is or was the period after the acute phase up to month 18 like for you? What symptoms did you or are you experiencing? How did you cope or how are you coping?This includes anyone who experienced or is experiencing the later stage of opioid withdrawal, no matter the duration.
PROTRACTED: If you took the last dose of your last drug more than 18 months ago , what symptoms are you experiencing or did you experience and how are you coping?If you were or are affected by opioid withdrawal and are considered a 'longer term' case, with symptoms for 3 to 6 months or more, this includes you.
RECOVERED: If you have already healed or are mostly healed, what does it feel like to have made it to the other side? What is your life like now? How do you feel about having survived withdrawal and being recovered? (If you skipped and came straight to this question, we would appreciate it if you could go back and answer any previous applicable questions. Thank you.)
RECOVERED: What words of encouragement do you have for anyone going through this?


Before proceeding, please indicate that you have read and you understand the following:

The resources offered on this site are for self-care and coping purposes only. Nothing on this site should be used as a substitute for any form of medical or psychological diagnosis, treatment or therapy, and you must not disregard medical or psychological guidance/advice or delay seeking it because of any content on this website. Please consult your doctor or therapist regarding your condition and/or any concerns you may have. The creator of this website shall not be held liable or responsible for any action taken by an individual as a result of the use of any information shared on this website.

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