Jin Shin Jyutsu

thumb hold BIWJin Shin Jyutsu is a simple style of acupressure which has a powerful, soothing effect. It is a non-invasive, ancient Japanese approach to healing. Since discovering its naturally tranquillising potential, I have recommended it to many in withdrawal and the feedback has been so positive, I thought I would share it with you here.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is very simple to do. It involves using one hand to hold the thumb or finger of the other. Each digit represents a different emotion. The thumb relates to worry, the index finger to fear, the middle finger to anger, the ring finger to sadness/grief and the little finger to pretense.
The Thumb Hold as shown above is very effective for dealing with sleep difficulty. All you need to do is gently wrap one hand around your thumb and hold it for at least two minutes. Hold it for as long you want. You can also switch hands. There are no rules. Some people sleep holding their thumb all night. The favourite hold for our withdrawal friends with intense anxiety is the Index Finger Hold. To do this, gently wrap one hand around the index finger of the other and hold it for as long as you would like. You can do this with any finger. There is much more to Jin Shin Jyutsu so if you are interested please check the Internet. The different ways of holding the fingers result in varying influences on the body, but they are all effective. If you do try it, I hope it will prove to be useful.

This YouTube video gives a good demonstration of how Jin Shin Jyutsu can be used to achieve different states of wellness. I used this whenever I am woken up with a dystonic episode. It puts me to back to sleep in less than a minute!


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