What Our Members Say

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These are genuine testimonials from members of our Bloom in Wellness website:


I love to wake up every morning to a positive email to start my day . Everything is geared towards positivity which is what we need to navigate our way through this horrendous experience. The Q&As and webinars every week are invaluable and then to also have a website to go to at any stage which is loaded with information on withdrawal. ~Cathy

Bloom in Wellness has been the best thing that happened to me in benzo withdrawal. This site is structural, logical and full of compassion for people suffering in benzo (and antidepressant) withdrawal. Her videos are priceless and I watch them many times. The daily email is the first thing I read in the morning, and the webinar/Q&A is something that I look forward each week. Baylissa has managed to create community that is beyond beautiful and supportive. I feel so welcome and warm in her community and I highly recommend it. This is my safe place. ~Edina

Bloom in wellness has been the most important resource during my withdrawal experience. Baylissa is a light shining brightly helping me navigate my own way. She gives constant encouragement and has so much wisdom she shares from her heart. I would be lost without her support. ~Annette

I’m new to this site but I absolutely love it! It’s encouraging with no negativity involved. Its based on factual truth of healing thru withdrawal and it helps with coping and getting support when needed. This site really is a rare gift and blessing. So glad I found it! ~Brooke

This site is a gold mine full of hidden treasures, to help you cope with your day. You will find everything you need under one roof. The people in the group, even though we don’t know them, end becoming your family. Baylissa gives her heart and soul to help everybody. She’s an earth angel, I don’t know what I would do without this site, as am totally alone and housebound. Waking up to daily emails, with so much positivity, to start your day off is great. All the webinars where we get to ask questions to reassure us are priceless. If you’re looking for help, love, warmth and kindness, you have come to the right place! We are given hope in our dark days, she shines a light to light the way for us all, as she’s walked the road herself. Would not have got this far without Bloom in Wellness. ~Paula

This is a feel-good place that makes me feel at peace… It doesn’t state that I might get better but that I Will. It helps me believe and accept the process that unfolds before me! ~Marie

When in withdrawal we are desperate for empathy, guidance and reassurance. We feel this way because most of us are not only suffering due to withdrawal itself but also because none of the health professionals we have seen have helped in any way. Then along came Baylissa, a professional with better knowledge of withdrawal than anybody else out there. Crucial to this plethora of knowledge is the fact that she has been through withdrawal herself so she truly understands. Baylissa is different in the fact that she truly cares about her clients. They are not just a client or a number, she is standing beside them all on this journey without judgement. She is kind, caring, empathetic, knowledgeable, genuine, honest, realistic, professional and I could go on. If I could give one piece of advice to others in withdrawal, it would be to have Baylissa as the one professional that guides you through this process. She is also very humble and understated but the work she is doing is so very important and critical in supporting people through the most difficult process of their lives. ~Rachel

I have been with Baylissa in her group and on her website and she provides you with the right information and the belief that no matter where you are in your journey, given time we will all recover. Her words in her daily emails and weekly webinars are invaluable. Knowing she has actually been down this road speaks volumes. ~Yvonne

Baylissa has dedicated herself to people in benzodiazepine and antidepressant withdrawal. She has so much compassion, knowledge, patience and love for anyone who is experiencing withdrawal…a kind of person you will be so blessed to have through this time. A true God send! ~Rolyn


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The resources offered on this site are for self-care and coping purposes only. Nothing on this site should be used as a substitute for any form of medical or psychological diagnosis, treatment or therapy, and you must not disregard medical or psychological guidance/advice or delay seeking it because of any content on this website. Please consult your doctor or therapist regarding your condition and/or any concerns you may have. The creator of this website shall not be held liable or responsible for any action taken by an individual as a result of the use of any information shared on this website.

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